Drones Submissions: Writing

Eyedrum Periodically

Call for Submissions

Drones fly over the noisy end of the post-colonial spectrum, enabling offspring of the Little Ice Age to space out and relax before unleashing hellfire missiles.

Drones thaw sonic tundra, and transform your horrible stepfather’s field recordings into an immersive and transcendent experience.

Drones work in cubicles. They sometimes break free.

Drones in beehives have one job: mate with the Queen. This is done in flight, and afterward the drone dies.

Authorities drone on until they are overthrown and dragged through the street.

And a literary journal’s call for submissions can drone on and on to the point of inducing nausea.

Which of the many kinds of drone intersect with the characters (real or imagined) encountered in your life, writing, art, and walks about the city? What conflicts resulted and how were lives changed by the collision? We look forward to reading, seeing, and hearing your answers.

Eyedrum Artspace and Gallery–a collective organization that provides a forum to support and encourage the development, exchange, and presentation of creative ideas and to nourish multifaceted growth in contemporary culture–announces the fourth issue of Eyedrum Periodically, a publication that presents new poetry, fiction, essays, and pictorial images of visual art.

The theme for the fourth issue is Drones.

Eyedrum Periodically is currently seeking submissions. The editors encourage authors to present work in determinate and indeterminate genres which make use of, but are not limited to: non-logical metonymies; concretizations of conceptual whiplash; canonical decapitations;graphic novels rendering digital Thoreaus in duels with Google Glass apostates;post-traumatic heroes trapped in Sisyphean realities; the neo-slave narratives of those who have escaped from the orbit of Maria Abramovic; viral-media celebrations of scrolls;poetic detritus; colophon conspiracies; revisions to Huckleberry Finn’s shit list;the twitter feed of your decomposing bildungsroman; manifestos by semi-fictitious secret societies; obituaries of unborn masters of Noh drama; and the notes for your lecture on failed epiphanies.

Submit work related to the theme to:


Include a bio of no more than fifty words in the body of the email.
All creative work should be submitted as an attachment to the email as follows:
Poetry: 3 – 5 poems with the words Poetry 4 2014 in the subject line
Essays, graphic lit/comics, flash fic and fiction: not to exceed 3,000 words, with the words Essay 4 2014 or Fiction 4 2014 in the subject line
Please double space and number pages.
Submission deadline: March 15, 2014

By submitting to Eyedrum Periodically, you attest that your writing is your own original creation and that it has not appeared in any other publication.

You also agree to the following terms by virtue of submitting to Eyedrum Periodically:
If your writing is selected for publication, we ask for first North American serial rights and first electronic rights. In addition, we ask that none of the accepted writing appear anywhere online or in print in North America for thirty days after its exclusive appearance on our website. After this period, reproduction rights revert to the writer. We also ask for the right to archive your work on our website for five years after the initial publication. (You are free to publish your work elsewhere after the exclusive thirty-day publication time has elapsed.) In any subsequent release of the material (online or in print), we ask that you acknowledge Eyedrum Periodically.

Currently, there is no print edition of the journal. In the event of a print anthology, reproduction of your work will be subject to a separate agreement. At this time we offer no compensation for accepted work.

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