108 Tsatsas in the Street

ATM as tsatsa. Photo by Julie Puttgen.
ATM as tsatsa.
Photo by Julie Puttgen.

108 Tsatsas in the Street

Julie Puttgen

Tsa-tsas are miniature versions of Buddhist stupas, or markers of sacred space.  In offering 108 tsatsas in the street, I am saying: mindful attention is a catalyst for experiencing sacred space, and – more radically – for causing it to occur.   Participants are invited to place tsatsas as they see fit, and to share their stories and photos by emailing them to: 108namesofnow@gmail.com.  Documentation will be posted on the project website: http://www.turtlenosedsnake.com/tsatsas.htm

ATM 2 Photo by Julie Puttgen
Photo by Julie Puttgen

This project is inspired by my pilgrimages to Santiago de Compostela (Spain) and on Shikoku Island (Japan), and by the transformative experience of Buddhist practice. There’s an old Zen story:

A teacher is dying, and a student despairs over this fact. The student asks what she can possibly do to honor the teacher’s memory. “Build me a seamless monument,” the teacher says.

Meaning: live in such a way that sacred and ordinary are one. Live in such a way that you are completely transparent to the world & to yourself. Live in such a way that there are no unimportant places or people.


Possible suggestions for tsatsa placements:

·      in an unexpectedly beautiful nook in the urban landscape  (to draw attention to the beauty of the world)

·      in a place that feels neglected and in need of blessing (to help take care of the world)

·      as a seed for a personal shrine at home or at work (to help focus your heart in the world)

·      in a place where someone might appreciate finding a surprising gift (to keep generosity circulating in the world)

Sticker Door Photo by Julie Puttgen
Sticker Door
Photo by Julie Puttgen
Namaste 1 Photo by Julie Puttgen
Namaste 1
Photo by Julie Puttgen
New School 2 Photo by Julie Puttgen
New School 2
Photo by Julie Puttgen

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